Arista 1×6



Physical Length : 1200 mm
Effective Length : 1120 mm
Physical Width : 420 mm
Effective Width : 375 mm
Step Depth : 20 mm
Tolerance : + 5 mm
Effective Cover Area : 0.42 m2
Tiles per m2 : 2.38 pcs/m2
Weight per m2 : 5.73 Kgs/m2
Mechanical Properties    
Total Thickness : > 1.00 mm
Yield Strength (MPa) : 270 – 370
Tensile Strength (MPa) : 350 – 400
Zinc Coating Weight : 214 gram/m2
Base material thickness and width tolerance according to JIS G3302-94 and ASTM A924 M-96
Base material flatness and shape tolerance according to JIS G3302-94 and ASTM A924 M-96

Color Choise : 
